andropolaroid 1.1
DanceLight Performance by and with Yui Kawaguchi
25 October 2019, German Cultural Center Brasov, RO
5 years after the award-winning solo andropolaroid, the Japanese dancer and choreographer is developing a new perspective on the relationship between her own culture and that of others.
Sounds flash up, here and there, like warnings in the silence, they circumnavigate the room.
The dance of the Japanese artist Yui Kawaguchi is driven by the flickering light, by the pull of spatial sounds and by her own curiosity about the foreign world. In the flash light a glimpse of perception appears, but shortly afterwards it disappears again. Word is weight and the figure becomes a chimera.
A small piece of home stays on her and becomes more and more an inexplicable mystery?
"Individuality is nothing elementary, but an organism,
Elementary things of different kinds live together indivisibly.
If you wanted to split them, they will die." - Paul Klee
"andropolaroid", premiered in 2010, was based on Yui Kawaguchi's personal experiences during her immigration from Japan to Germany. Five years have passed since then, in which her own view has gained distance, other personal events have pushed themselves into the foreground, and changes have influenced social consciousness.
With these experiences and the temporal distance, Yui Kawaguchi looks at her former work with a new eye. In the beginning, the foreign still shows itself in sharp contours and is clearly separated from the familiar. But what happens when borders shift and intersections form? Does the formerly unfamiliar lose its charm and danger and does the previously familiar turn into an inexplicable mystery?
Approaching these questions and inspired by scientific methods, the dancer and choreographer Yui Kawaguchi examines, among other things, the Japanese and German language structure, transfers it in a complex model to the sound and light system and plunges her body into this organism.
Starting from the microcosm of the individual in "andropolaroid", the staging travels to the general social relationships and lets them grow to new life with "andropolaroid 1.1".
by and with: Yui Kawaguchi
Light & Technical Director: Fabian Bleisch
Music/Sound: Sibin Vassilev
Costume: Saša Kovačević
Dramaturgy and production management: Rosi Ulrich
Programming: Yoann Trellu
Management: Ilja Fontaine
Assistance: Sabine Salzmann
Photos: Elitza Nanova, Dieter Hartwig, Fabian Bleisch
WA: 29.1.2016, 30.1., 2. - 6.2.2016, Uferstudios, Berlin / 25.1.2017 Stereolux, Nantes / 26.4.2017 Culturcentrum Hasselt, 1.-3.9.2017 at.tension, Lärz / 1. - 3.2.2018, Uferstudios, Berlin / 9. + 10.11.2018, OzAsia Festival, Adelaid / 29.6.2019, Arco Arts Theatre, Seoul Korea / 16.8.2019, Festival Open Look, St. Petersburg / 18. and 19. September 2019, Phönix theater, tanz, töne, Stockborn, CH
"...Fabian Bleisch's light room overwhelms. White short neon poles hang in correct rows above the scene like plantlets of a protection... With agility and flexibility, Yui Kawaguchi hurries through the confusing cordon, bumping against none... As a formidable dancer with solid technique, she conveys a piece of autobiography as excitingly as convincingly. That makes the evening touching and authentic..." Tanznetz 2.2.2016, Volkmar Draeger
"The exceptional and outsider choreographer convinces with her technical solo work." taz 1.2.2016, Astrid Kaminski
"Sa chorégraphie est vouée à une imbrication, une interdépendance à l’autre, soulignée par des diodes lumineuses suspendues, que la danseuse effleure ou heurte furtivement. Placée au cœur de ce parcours labyrinthique disposé en diagonale, Yui Kawaguchi évolue au rythme des scintillements, des rencontres. Métaphore de l’intégration, le mouvement se ralentit pour mieux s’accélérer, se saccader. Éblouie, Yui Kawaguchi enchaîne des leitmotivs de pas, tel une automate, entre chutes voluptueuses et grands pliés contrôlés." CCCDance.com 4.2.2016
In the schedule of WEHR51, produced 2016 by the theater-51grad, in cooperation with Freihandelszone - ensemblenetzwerk köln
In co-production with MA scène nationale - Pays de Montbéliard. In cooperation with Nico and the Navigators, Theaterhaus Mitte.
Supported by the Governing Mayor of Berlin - Senate Chancellery - Cultural Affairs.
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