The main focus of WEHR51 is the implementation of its own concepts and theatre texts, which are dedicated to current and social-politically relevant topics. This is accompanied by the search for new dramaturgical approaches that lead to extraordinary locations and include immersive art forms. In the artistic debate, the content determines the form. The initial idea and theme determine the dramaturgical approach, in which the tools of acting, dance, music, video, etc. are combined and expanded in equal measure. The result is a diverse programme of 'hybrid' productions, which include drama-video-radio play, live-painting&dance, dance-theatre, theatrical music-sculpture, 'new music'-theatre and theatrical VR-installation and which cannot be categorised in the classical genre terms.
WEHR51 sees the audience as part of the production. It is not about forcing the audience to participate or instructing them, but rather about warming up the audience sensually, questioning the topics and thinking anew. For years Andrea Bleikamp and Rosi Ulrich have been experimenting with dramaturgical strategies and special settings for the audience, and since 2013 they have increasingly been dealing with the use of new technical means and media, experimenting with surround systems, with room-filling overlapping videos, virtual reality, etc.
In addition, it is of particular interest to the WEHR51 to engage in dialogue with the audience and to promote exchange. In times of simple buzzwords, abridged formulations, (not only) linguistic populism and the tendency not to want to or not to be able to listen to the others at all, it is becoming increasingly important for the performing arts to offer so-called "exchange" formats that are committed to a culture of discussion at eye level. This must also involve bringing together audiences from different life contexts, different cultural and social environments and different ages - in order to make different experiences tangible. The EXCHANGE-program is supported by RheinEnergie StiftungKultur.
In addition to the two directors Andrea Bleikamp (direction) and Rosi Ulrich (text/dramaturgy), the WEHR51 features the set and costume designer Claus Stump, the composers Sergej Maingardt and Sibin Vassilev, the video artists Jens Standke, Jaqui Dresen and Kerstin Unger, the dancer-choreographers Bibiana Jiménez and Sara Blasco Gutiérrez, among others.